Join us for the IAASE 20th Anniversary Winter Conference at The Crowne Plaza in Springfield on February 20-22, 2019.
Kick off on Wednesday, February 20 with an Administrator's Academy presented by Brandon K. Wright of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd. This course is specially designed for administrators, teachers, and other special education professionals who need a “crash course” in the fundamentals of IDEA compliance and the emerging trends in special education law. Brandon will share his tips and strategies for avoiding legal missteps while offering a comprehensive overview of the IDEA and detailed explanations of the fundamental concepts of the IDEA and Section 504. Come prepared for a lively and informative day, packed with plenty of opportunities for audience participation and targeted answers to your most pressing questions. With a practical and fresh approach, this course will use real-life discussions about matters that affect the creation of legally compliant IEPs, including: trends in the case law; continuing impacts of Endrew F.; the role of technology, social media, and student privacy; behavioral interventions and school safety; and Section 504. By using case law from around the U.S., filtered through the lens of an experienced special education attorney, you will walk away with a renewed clarity about your legal obligations – and the confidence to keep focused on ensuring your district’s actions are legal, efficient, and effective!

Be prepared to be inspired by two great keynote presentations by Ben Glenn and Andre Norman, along with over 30 hours of professional development, including breakout session topics on mental health, Section 504, technology, behavior management, and the latest legislative and legal information impacting Special Education. The conference brochure is now available - Get registered early to take advantage of the reduced rate!

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