Update from CASE/ CEC Conference - IAASE Recognized for Outstanding Achievement

At our CASE Board of Directors meeting in Indianapolis, IAASE has, once again, been recognized for its outstanding work! This year, we have achieved the award for Outstanding Achievement in the area of Policy and Legislation.

This award is thanks to our tracking of bills, legislative advocacy, continued and ongoing presence in Springfield, well-developed relationships with legislators, legislative roundtables, conference events, and strong delegations each year at the Special Education Legislative Summit (SELS) in Washington, DC. We have done so much work in this area during the past several years including adding a full-time lobbyist (Shannon Miller Bellini) and reconstituting the Legislative Committee with representatives from across the state thanks to Melissa Taylor and Judy Hackett. Really, however, this award is for all of us who work so hard on an every day basis to help every legislator understand schools (and why special education matters).

We also received recognition for increasing our membership year-over-year in CASE by 3%. It was a small increase, but an increase nonetheless. A few people who should be recognized here. First off - Melissa Taylor had the idea to create a more "unified" membership a few years back and we have increased our membership every year since then. Second - Christine Putlak and our region reps have been working hard to increase our membership in IAASE as well and we are currently at 1215 members - the highest point we have been at the end of January - EVER! Finally - we are growing because of all of you. THANK YOU for helping us to be better.

For those of you who are CASE regulars and are curious - these were the other award winners:
  • Outstanding Award - Arizona
  • Outstanding Communication - Minnesota
  • Outstanding Member Development - Michigan
  • Outstanding Professional Development - Missouri
  • Highest Membership Growth - Mississippi CASE
  • Exemplary Unit - Indiana CASE

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