Proposals Now Being Accepted The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) are excited to be hosting our 2nd joint conference that reflects the desired collaboration between local and state special education directors and their stakeholders.
The conference will include six keynote sessions, five of them to be followed by break-out sessions related to the keynote topic. Please select the track your presentation best fits when you submit. You may select more than one track.
Proposals for break-out sessions will be prioritized according to the conference goal of collaboration among SEAs, LEAs, and other stakeholders. Single presenter sessions will also be considered, but receive a lesser priority during the selection process. Sessions will be 1 to 1 1/2 hours long.
The five keynote topics are:1. Recruitment and Retention of Special Education Personnel Examples of breakout sessions under this topic include:
- Examining district data and auditing your hiring practices
- Engaging staff
- Examples of SEAs and LEAs efforts
- Improving working conditions
- Pay and benefit initiatives
- Mentoring; support; training
- Grow your own program
- Leading by Convening
- Collaboration
- Parent involvement and engagement
- Working effectively with legislators and school boards
- Communicating policy with media
- Advocacy
Examples of breakout sessions under this topic include:
- Dyslexia; behavioral issues; and/or other learning issues
- Universal Design for Learning
- Fidelity of implementation
- State and Local Advocacy
Examples of breakout sessions under this topic:
- Defining SDI
- Writing SDI into defensible IEPs
- Models of providing SDI
- Using data to implement SDI
- Progress monitoring
5. State and Local Directors Collaborative Panel: Understanding each other’s role in making a difference for kids and families.
Examples of breakout sessions under this topic:
- Discipline and the use of home/hospital placements
- Joint SEA/LEA projects that provide sustainable change to improve student achievement
- Strategies for communicating state and federal policies to school districts and schools
Note: ALL presenters and co-presenters will have to register for the conference by June 30, 2019. Conference fee cancellation policy: Written requests for refunds, minus 20% administrative costs, will be honored only if postmarked no later than October 2, 2018. Refunds will be mailed after the conference. Substitutions may be made after Oct 2nd.
The call for proposals closes March 31, 2019.
We look forward to seeing you in Louisville!
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