Veto Session Update

The Fall veto session for the Illinois General Assembly had a few big priorities for IAASE and we are pleased to report that much progress was made on our big legislative goals.  Here's the rundown:

Senate Bill 460
What it does:  Delays the implementation of certain portions of House Bill 3586/ Public Act 101-0515. 
Why we pushed it:  This was the biggest legislative priority for IAASE.  While we had been working on some big legislative fixes for the bill, we compromised with our partners and agreed to a delay of implementation on the paperwork component.  The rest of the bill (service logs, etc.) remains intact for now. 
Where it stands:  The Senate passed the bill during the first week of veto session and the House passed it unanimously during the second week of veto session.  It now heads to the Governor's desk for signature. 
What's next:  Once the bill is signed (should be very soon), then the paperwork component of the bill (i.e. having to send paperwork home in advance) will no longer need to be done.  That portion is delayed until July 1, 2020.  Between now and then, IAASE will work with others to negotiate a fix for the remainder of this bill.
Read the bill online at this link.
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Senate Bill 10
What it does:  Changes a component of the school code and allows paraprofessionals to be licensed after taking a test.
Why we pushed it:  This was a mistake that was made in a licensure cleanup bill that was pushed in the spring.  As a result, it put a strain on the number of teaching assistant's coming into the pipeline.
Where it stands:   The House and Senate approved the bill this week.  It now heads to the Governor's desk for signature. 
What's next:  Once the bill is signed (should be very soon), then paraprofessionals will be able to take a test and become licensed as a paraprofessional again.  
Read the bill online at this link.

House Bill 3897
What it does:  Changes the age at which students transition from their Transition programs.  It moves it from the day before their 22nd birthday to the end of the school year.
Why we opposed it:  At this point in a student's schooling career, school districts have done a thorough job of supporting the student into early adulthood and connecting that student with necessary services in the adult system.  Delaying this transition any more is not appropriate for students and presents significant costs to high schools.
Where it stands:   The House Human Services Committee did not take up the bill.
What's next:  The sponsor of the bill is expected to continue to push this legislation in the Spring session (beginning in January) and members will need to stay on top of this issue in order to be sure that students have appropriate transition services as they move into the adult system.  
Read the bill online at this link. 

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